The girls LOVE holding Max and Avery! It will be the recurrent theme for this post. I guess it makes them feel "older". After all, they are aunts!

The next day we met Joey, Brittany and Avery at Underwood Farms.

The farm had an ingenious way of feeding the animals through drain pipes without getting near them.

There was a cute little chicken show going on all the time.
The girls got to play on three different playgrounds!

We were shocked that Anna requested to ride the ponies. The last time we tried this she just screamed.

There was a live animal show we got to watch.
Moms and kiddos went on a train ride. Yes, it was as uncomfortable as it looks!

We ended our trip by picking strawberries. It was a beautiful fun trip!
After a Mexican lunch, we went back to our hotel and took naps! After that we went swimming. Becky, Arek and Max joined us. It wasn't very warm so we spent most of our time in the "hot pool".

After swimming, we headed over to the gym where Avery's party was going to be and helped decorate. Beth and Greg joined us after their day of wine tasting. Everyone was tired after that so we went out for burgers and called it a day, a fun day!