The grandpas...

The two year olds...

All the little guys together...except Chase. Next year.

Wednesday night we celebrated Brittany's 30th birthday with Chipotle! After the all kids were in bed I cut out to pick up the food. For some reason they comped me the food, $140 worth. I asked why but he just said it was on him. Crazy! And nice! We had a nice adult dinner!

Thursday morning we all got dressed for a family picture!
Waiting to take the picture...which we always do barefoot.

I am truly amazed with one take of ten rapid fire pictures we got one where no one is crying and everyone is looking somewhat towards the camera. As we did the last time, we just set the camera on a ladder with the timer.

Paige with the dog Grandpa bought for her birth. We picked it because it looked so much like their dog, Alfred.
I asked everyone to do something a little different this year. Instead of ordering our Thanksgiving dinner, everyone made something for the dinner. It was fun and at times resembled one of those races against the clock in the cooking contests on TV. We had turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes (vegan and regular), cranberry sauce, and green beans with bacon. We also had Polish potato salad, roasted Brussel sprouts, homemade rolls, stuffed mushrooms, and broccoli salad.
Becky making the potato salad...
Brittany making the broccoli salad...
Beth made the rolls which were a huge hit with the kids.
We had the obligatory kids Thanksgiving table. The ate almost none of our food. That's okay! More for us!
Friday was a lazy day. Brittany and Joey went hone in the afternoon and the rest of us went home on Saturday. We swam and played.

The older kids set up their own stores under Mia's direction.
The shoe store. Mia went to her friend's house down the street so she put a closed sign up. Yes, she makes friends wherever we go.
The toy store.
He wasn't getting many customers so Arek made this...
Avery set up a fruit store. The two year olds shoplifted most of her stash..
And as you can probably guess, Anna set up a hair salon.
We may have been a little liberal with screen time towards the end of this last day.
It was total chaos almost the whole time but so much fun!