Another year as begun!
We started it off by visiting Kelly and Melissa for the day at their Crystal Cove cabin.
Had to take a picture of this as they walked down the path.
We went to lunch at The Beachcomber. Delicious as usual.
And then settled down for an afternoon on the deck
Can't beat this view for playing cards.
Aunt Helen has breast cancer and is currently getting chemotherapy.
She's been my second mom my whole life.
This guy still takes care of their five acres, chops wood and fixes clocks at 92 years old!
Thank you for the tickets, Martyna!
Happy little waterer.
Anna gave me this bird feeder for Christmas.
I love that it sits on our window so we can see the birds without going outside.
Hello house finch.
Lisa and Mike (the tall one) were in town for the weekend from their new
place in Tennessee so we all met at Liz's house for dinner.
Always great to see them!