Saturday, November 17, 2012

Another Wedding!

Tonight I finally have some time to work on my blog! Our biggest news of the week is that last night Joey and Brittany became engaged! They have talked about getting married quite a bit, but now it's official.

Yesterday was also the first anniversary of Mia's adoption. We are so happy to be your parents Mia Moo!

It has been a VERY busy four days. On Wednesday, poor Becky and Arek had quite the scare! Becky fed Max some formula made from powder for the first time and he broke immediately out in hives and vomited the entire bottle. Needless to say they rushed him to the emergency room. It was going to be a three to four hour wait so the staff took his vitals, which were normal, and Becky and Arek decided to take him to the doctor the next day. The next day the doctor told Becky that they will have to use trial and error to discover what formula Max can tolerate but he will be okay.

Since Becky was home on Wednesday, I took the girls to the Santa Ana Zoo. It is a small zoo that I took the older kids to several times when they were young. I thought it was a bit overpriced. I guess I've gotten used to the cost of living in Colorado! But the kids had a good time, mostly playing on the playground in the sand. A trip to the park would have been free and that's what Mia had requested anyway. Someday I'll listen!

Anna is at that stage where she copies everything Mia does. I love it! Anna was so very very afraid of Mia back in June I was wondering if she would ever get to this stage. But she has! She even tries to mimic Mia's tantrums but she just starts laughing. There have been a lot of a tantrums as Mia does not do well with change. We need to get that girl some stability!

My favorite part of the zoo was the bald eagle. I wish I had been able to get a picture of the wing span. It was amazing, looked like 15-20 feet across.

We rented this stroller which was quite a hit!

We watched Max again on Thursday and Friday. He is working very hard on getting his little thumb to stay in his mouth.

Last night we drove to Beverly Hills to attend an Air Force Ball for Dan's work. We used a babysitting service for the girls at the hotel. And today we drove to Rancho Mirage for our week of much needed vacation. Yes, the girls are very very confused about where home is! But they are loving the swimming pool!

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