Saturday, December 19, 2015

Holiday Stuff

I have not been taking a ton of pictures lately but I do have a few from events I want to remember.

Some days I get a little extra time to get things done as Mia reads to Anna when they wake up.

At Friday school this year Mia has a music class. Last Friday they gave a holiday performance.

Mia had been nervous for weeks leading up to this. It's a little strange. Mia will walk up to a group of strangers at the park and just start talking to them but she gets nervous about performing. Anna, on the other hand, does not talk to any strangers but loved getting up for her Thanksgiving performance and was the loudest one in the group. 

Later Mia said she wasn't nervous once she realized, "It wouldn't have been very good without her singing." Confidence is a good thing.

Last Sunday we went to the Face to Face Christmas party. Guess who was there with his new haircut?

This group of Star Wars characters is so generous to come to every event.

Poor Anna talked and talked about her friend from the picnic in August and then when she saw her she wouldn't say a thing to her.  I remember being exactly like that! Her little friend has a bilateral cleft and is from the same province in China as Anna is.

Here is another cutie with a bilateral cleft.

I think I recognize him!

Please take a picture of me in front of the game I cheated at won!

The whole group! Oil was eating and you can barely see Maks behind another kiddo.

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