On Friday the girls had school and then Anna had her Tae Kwon Do test for her green stripe. She passed!
After that they all went to a Fall Festival at the girls' school. It was supposed to be outside but the high was 40 degrees that day so they moved it all inside. I heard it was fun!

On Saturday Mia had her first sleepover birthday party to attend. The party started at Boondocks Family Fun Center so while Mia was at the party Arek took Maks and Anna to have some fun there

Mia didn't call Becky to come home so she must have had a good time at the sleepover!
On Sunday, the girls went to Becky's friend Emily's house for another party. We picked them up there and headed home. I'm not sure I have ever seen Mia so tired. I'm not sure she slept at all at the sleepover, plus three parties in three days!
Thanks Becky and Arek for taking such good care of the girls!
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