We made a trip down to Salton Sea State Recreation Area. This has fascinated me since Darlene and I happened upon it during a trip many many years ago. I remember kids at my elementary school saying they were going on vacation to the Salton Sea. It's a bizarre place now.
It's now pretty much a ghost town. The girls can see how corrosive salt is.
And what the experts are trying to do to clean up the sea.
Moving on to science, I'm not sure how we went from a geology lesson
to roasting mini marshmallows.
For a unique experience, we went to visit the old Los Angeles Zoo.
The abandoned exhibits are still there and you can walk through them.

Strange looking animal!!
We could see Bee Rock, but try as we might, couldn't find a trail that took us there,
though I knew it existed.
We toured a food farm lab.
El Dorado Nature Center is fun trip we made many times, mostly to see the turtles!
While studying US History, we learned a few of the songs in Hamilton
and then watched the movie with the neighbors. Anna became a super fan.
Kelly works at the Marine Mammal Rescue Center so we got a VIP tour.
They do a fabulous job of rehabilitating injured and sick sea lions.

For some subjects, such as art and music, we use online teachers.
Creek walks, boogie boarding, tree climbing and hiking all count as PE!

We had a great tour guide at Lyon Air Museum. At least I thought so.
The kids thought it was boring.
More PE, aka kite flying.
The girls love going to cuddle baby lambs.
Cuddling baby lambs, file it under PE, science, biology, and character development.