Thursday, July 11, 2024

Random May 2024

We got Mia's La Crosse pictures back. The team didn't do very well but I'm sure they learned a lot.

She got an award for having a high GPA while being on the team.

We celebrated Oliver's ninth birthday at our house...

...and at the bowling alley/arcade. 

Anna's spring pictures came out beautifully.

My little helper.

With Joe and Karen we went to see Brett Goldstein in L.A.  
He was hilarious, but everyone is so raunchy these days.

Anna had a pretty big part in the drama department's presentation of The Single Guy. Unfortunately, the administration thought some of the topics covered were not appropriate for the middle school audience so none of her friends were allowed to come to see it.

We went to Vista for Memorial Day Weekend. 
Doesn't everyone make a cake while they are on vacation.??

The skateboard parks were a hit!

The first thing Kinga does when she gets to our house is to go grab one of her babies and feed them in the high chair.

Both Oliver and Maks had music recitals, Oliver with the violin and Maks with the trombone. 
For some reason, I don't have a picture of Maks. :(

It's a wrap for May!


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