Monday, January 16, 2012


Mia was ready and the Broncos were...well...not. I guess we'll be waiting for next year.

Just got my blog book for 2011 in the mail. I went with bolg2print because it was so easy, just put in the dates you wanted to be included in the book and press a button. What I didn't like was the size of the pictures, 2" by 3". So for next year I'm using Blurb. It's a lot more work because you design the pages yourself. But I figure if I do it as I go along it will be done at the end of the year.

Yesterday we got Mia's birth certificate in the mail. It's so strange to see a certificate of live birth with your name as the parent when you weren't even there. But it's great to have as now we can go get her a passport in case we need to take her to China.

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