Thursday, October 26, 2023

Family Camp 2022

Family Camp was closed for two years and reopened for 2022! 
This time Beth's family and Becky's family attended with us.


As always, the opening reptile show was a hit!

Getting ready...

...for this!

Some of us adults went to an escape room and got out with five minutes left!

Carnival day never disappoints.

Pie eating time!

The youngsters had tennis lessons.

The older ones went rock climbing.

The adults enjoyed the dinner at Glen Annie Golf Club.

There are no adult night activities until Tuesday so it's our room for a hangout.

Maks is always up for a photo.

The adults took the Taste of Santa Barbara Tour.

Which also included a walking tour of the city.

And ended with wine tasting.

While we were on our tour, the youngest ones went to the zoo.

Hi Chase!

 The first adult night was a piano player who could play just about anything and make it fun.

Beach day is always a blast. The older kids are allowed to do the slackline.

While the kids were all at the beach the men went on a beer tour and 
Beth, Becky and I walked the city and had lunch.

Campfire Night!

Sometimes these campfire songs make me teary eyed because this place is just magical.

Anna won the award for most use of the ceramics studio. This is only a sample of what she painted.

Oliver and Paige LOVED their counselors!

Anna loved going into town to get boba!

Dan played in the counselor - camper softball game on the last day.

We signed up for 2023!

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