Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Back to It

I have got to get back to taking more pictures! And to blogging regularly. I haven't blogged since Halloween. Shame on me! Our family photo album will be sparse this quarter!

We left for California last Thursday. We didn't know that Anna's Friday class was going to be doing a little performance on Friday. But her teacher was nice enough to let us watch the dress rehearsal the Friday before we left. Anna is in the middle.

It snows in Colorado and then a couple of days later it's warm enough to go to the park without jackets.

The first snowstorm was a doozy with over a foot of snow and winds that knocked all the leaves off the trees.

Play dough on a cold day - this guy just steals my heart.

The girls helped me make the gluten free dairy free cake for Mia's adoption anniversary. It wasn't half bad.

Once we got to California we went to L.A. so Dan and I could attend the Air Force Ball. Dan had meetings in the morning so we walked in the sunshine to the mall play area.

Then we had some lunch at Giggles and Hugs, a restaurant with a playground and healthy food.

Later we went out for dairy free ice cream made with only coconuts and raw honey.  The chocolate was really good!

In the morning we headed out to La Quinta. We stopped at Denny's for breakfast and the girls ate these reindeer pancakes, made with both milk and wheat. The rest of the day was not good. :(

Before we got to the house we stooped for groceries. As we approached the car with our two shopping carts it dawned on us that the trunk was full of luggage!

I was thrilled to find an orange on my new tree!

Dar and Sean are our first visitors for the week.

On Tuesday, Dan and Sean went golfing and Dar and I took the girls to the children museum. They have a lot of really hard puzzles that adults have a hard time solving!

Tuesday afternoon, Beth, Greg and Paige arrived. 

It's going to be a great week!

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