Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Anime Impulse

** New post also from 1/1/24 that never got posted because I scheduled it but never hit the publish button. Martin Visit 2023

My kids like Japanese cartoons. I don't know why. Anna found out there was an Anime convention in the area and so we agreed to take them and the neighbors to it.  To say they were exhilarated would be an understatement. They were all at our house at 6:00 in the morning getting these fabulous outfits ready!

Izuku Midoria




The Fab Four

There were many cars just like this.

I'm glad we got there early and didn't have to wait in this line. 
It was a spectacular day - high of 64 and clear clear skies. 
Dan and I stayed outside each building as they went in, watching old Frazier shows on his 
phone and laughing hysterically.

Mia and Anna love soba. I waited in line for them so they could continue looking at things. 
(Obviously, it was also so we could leave sooner.) 
The amount of grease I saw in this food was incredible.

But, for all of them, the best part was seeing everyone else in their cosplay and taking pictures with complete strangers. Yes, and cosplay just means costume as I have finally figured out.

Middle school hot and heavy here. They don't buy cute littler puppy dog stickers any more.

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