Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wedding Week Monday

Like I said in the last post, this has been a crazy week. I am sitting in a hotel room in Seattle trying to get two toddlers to go to sleep. It is exciting to be here for the wedding! But first, let me explain about Crazy Week!

On Monday morning at 3:00 AM Dan woke me up to say he heard my cell phone ringing in the kitchen. I got out there and saw I had a missed call from Arek. I thought, there can only be one reason for Arek to call me at 3:00 in the morning!

I listened to his message telling me that Becky's water had broke... three weeks early! So I called him back and then went back to talk to Dan. Of course he said go back to sleep and we'll talk later. ?????? Really???? Has he not been married to me for over thirty years????

While he slept I went over and over the possibilities. Dan was off work this week so we could all go out there. Or he could stay and take Anna to her developmental evaluation and I would just take Mia with me. Or Mia could stay home and I would just take Anna so she wouldn't develop a mistrust of me after leaving her for the showers already four weeks ago. But then
Mia had a hard time with the three of us in China and not her. Or maybe I should just go by myself to be the most help to Becky. These things went through my mind until it was 5:00 and I just decided to get up and take a shower. Dan was still sleeping!!

In the end, I decided to take Mia and spend some one on one time with her and thought she would like helping get things ready for Baby Max.

We left at 3:30 that afternoon and arrived just after the baby was born. I got to hold him first after Mommy and Daddy. He is a cutie pie. He looks just like Arek.

Arek's siblings and mom were there and Mia had a great time taking pictures of everyone. We got to our hotel around 9:30. I was exhausted and went right to sleep as did Mia.

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