Thursday, May 10, 2012

Old News and Good News

I've been going through some stuff in the basement, deciding what to keep and move and what to get rid of. Most of you who know me are probably surprised that I have anything to get rid of because a) I clean out all my closets once a year and b) I am not sentimental. So even I was quite surprised to find this among my high school yearbooks:

It belonged to this little person at 7 months old:

You see her toes turned in on one foot and so she wore a cast for three weeks and then another for three weeks and then the one I still have was made into a removable cast that she wore at night for a few more months.

I sent Beth a picture of it. "Kinda creepy," she said. I asked her if she wanted it. "No." Sentimentalness must be hereditary.

On another note we got our Travel Approval today! The first trip they offered us is to leave on May 23 or May 25th. I really was hoping for June for less caregivers for Mia and so maybe we could see our newborn granddaughter before we left. They asked me to respond by email. That is so hard! I want to know when we are going! It may be in just two weeks!

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