Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Baking Day and Other Things

Friday was Baking Day at Mia's school. She had to do everything herself. I did guide her a little bit like when she tried to do both the directions for the full egg and egg white recipes. I explained to her that you had to choose one or the other. I also did stuff that was dangerous or too heavy like pouring the batter in the pans and taking the cake out of the oven.

The day before Charlie was neutered. He absolutely hates the collar and keeps whining and begging us to take it off.

I can't believe I forgot to take a picture of the finished cake!!!  But did get a picture of Mia's friend's entry: Minion bananas!

Since I forgot to take any pictures of the play we went to Saturday I'll just add it in here. We went downtown to see Matilda. It was fabulous. I highly recommend it to kids (Anna was a little young)  and adults. There were more people there without kids than with them!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I recognize the apron :)