Monday, June 27, 2016

Field Trip Friday #2

For our next Friday field trip I found a Groupon for a farm up in Fort Collins. It was further away than I thought, almost two hours! So I did a little research to find out what else we could do while we were up there. Here's what I came up with:

Yes, you read that right - we went to a landfill and learned about garbage. And they learned A LOT.

They were the only ones in there so they got the royal treatment!

They loved these trucks that hauled paper or metal down a road. The truck would stop at the screen and then a video of what happens when the items are dropped off at the recycling plant would run.

They learned what you can make with trash!

After the trash talk, we went to Chipotle for lunch and then headed to the farm.

Our guide was a very sweet woman who grew up on this farm. She and her husband came back to live on it and turn it in to a museum ten years ago.

The museum was in an old metal barn and it was stiflingly hot. I was regretting my Groupon purchase. Two hour drive for this???? Mia did love the cat, though.

But then we went outside and had a wonderful time. This cow was beautiful.

Milking them cows. Ingenious.

Backbreaking womens' work.

 We were also the only ones at farm so we got our own personal tour guide there as well. It was a very fun day!

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